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CT Multi-Split

If you recently acquired a new multi slice CT scanner, you have also acquired a very unique radiology workflow problem.   Since it is very easy to scan a patient head to toe without stopping, to change acquisition parameters, and pick a new entry from the modality worklist, you end up with all the CT slices in one study.  Your radiologists will never know that the study the technologist scanned contains multiple images for several studies that need to be read   This can lead to loss of revenue, or worse images will never be seen by the most appropriate specialist.  

The CT Multi-Slit uses advanced image segmentation and anatomic atlas mapping technologies to identify which body parts were scanned, and matches them up with the appropriate radiology order before sending/storing them to PACS.

Key Benefits

  • Easy Configuration
  • Remote management
  • High performance software architecture
  • Validated reliability and accuracy

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Last modified: 12/05/2007
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